(Wo)Man I am Everyman and No Man Drowning in opinions abound Yet, in moments of lucidity This clarity of observation Transcends the fixation of self-aggrandizement Through all this ignorance and intrusion A realization persists in us This empathetic narrative has weight And history bides its time to recognize justice and its freight due to Her....Read More
How I Adore The Heart I love it, above all things. Not constrained as Thee, an inflection of Thou An expanse that rings through all time As a reminder of that eternal truth Our partners are our hearts Our daughter and sons, too When we experience this sacred heart It is extended to you. Blessed...Read More
Untitled We are the infinite in spirit, and we toil in life. We fly false flags and promote isolation, and our resolve in values will be undone by our lack of faith in each other. We are sincere and yet fallible. We embrace those who are loved (what about the unloved, and what does that say...Read More
Are We with Us? Where are we, my love? While we toil in the spiritual wastelands, Looking for our Gods of the past to redeem us Are we reproachable or redeemable? Is this life experience immutable? Or shall we rise continuously? To address the light of day Seeking a new path forward. Shall we dance...Read More
Love, How Shall I Relate to Thee You are the one that guides me With an explicit intent that is binding To this world and beyond A manifestation of grace When all things seem displaced You are my wisdom in this life I feel you with every fiber My heart resonates with your truth How...Read More
Self-Consumption I awoke from sleep into the world’s dream Witnessing the snake eating its tail A collective nightmare in perpetuity, Until we awake. We know we are at the ebb of now Reminiscing of that Golden age Our credence is anxiety Drowning in a subsidized fear. Substituting false values over the eternal Obfuscating our inalienable...Read More
A Bridge Too Far (A Deconstruction of Symbolic Meanings) Nothing instills fear in the hearts of men like rainbows Don’t look up and witness That covenant to us Look away at this majesty of nature For it’s presence may corrupt our souls It may inspire you to be in awe Feel acceptance and tolerance toward...Read More
This Time Adrift In this letter, there are these words Constructed as sentences Arranged in paragraphs Clumsily attempting to express the radiance of you… To behold. Your presence causes an arrest. And time drifts to that still place Where nothing moves The emanation that springs from a mystery An unleashed awe An indescribable bliss That...Read More
Changes Things change slowly, which is for the best At some point, we will miss what once was and long for them again.. and always. Love you. Read More
When the World Went Mad Again It moved inside rather than turning inward. Broadcasting virtual singalongs as a circus for the masses as their daily bread, Our ethos slipping into oblivion Our isolation became physical rather than just social, political, and economic. Clowns and “artists” ingratiate themselves by inflating the world with their illusory means, ...Read More